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Insurance businesses first debuted in the industry for a long time, and insurance continues to be necessary since security is always a worry. Insurance companies must have all of their consumer data in a single location, which necessitates the need for a befitting app. The apps for VoIP phones for insurance companies connect flawlessly with CRM software. They allow insurance providers to complete more transactions and acquire increased client references.  

VoIP can boost your company’s efficiency, save costs, and enhance the overall customer experience. It is something that any firm, regardless of sector, might benefit from, but it is especially beneficial to insurance businesses. Here is all about the best apps for your business that support better benefits. 

The Role of VoIP Assist Insurance Companies 


When it comes to meeting the clients’ expectations, VoIP Assist Insurance Companies have to play an eminent role. For insurance firms, services with VoIP phones for insurance companies offer a variety of advantages that enable them to give better client care. For example, when interacting with agitated consumers filing a claim, the audio quality and dependability of VoIP conversations are critical. A solid VoIP system can let you communicate more effectively with your claims. In addition, insurance firms can easily provide consumers with 24/7 help with such a VoIP service. 

Best 5 Apps for Insurance Companies  


As filing a claim is frequently difficult for the claimants, insurance firms handle angry and sensitive consumers. Therefore, it requires dependable apps with VoIP phones for insurance companies to concentrate on comforting consumers without worrying about delays or outages. Moving on with the discussion, here are the top 5 must-have apps with the best VoIP phone services. 

1. Onsip 


Insurance firms with several locations use a dedicated VoIP phone network to link their facilities on a single, centralized platform. Onsip is the easiest cloud communication app to use. It delivers a reliable source and user-friendly, adaptable, dependable, and safe phone system. In addition, it specializes in dedicated VoIP services for real-time interactions.  

The company provides its clients with sophisticated yet easy phone solutions that include integrated features and a BYOD option. In addition, their hosted VoIP service enables insurance companies to deploy their phone system as required, allowing the system to develop with the organization. 


  • It is a free of cost network calling app 
  • The app includes an auto attendant that directs your calls effectively. 
  • Onsip also owns a desktop app 
  • It allows for five-way video conferencing 

2. Ring Central 


Yet another excellent, massively scalable VoIP company, it is a wonderful alternative for insurance firms of any size looking to scale up. It does not have any contractual requirements and offers a variety of differently priced programs. RingCentral’s services provide multiple degrees of business functionality, beginning with the basic subscription. It includes several third-party connections, a mobile app, and other essential features like limitless multi-level auto-attendants and video conferencing. 


  • An effective iOS and Android mobile app compatibility. 
  • Rich functionalities like fax integration, video conferencing, call recording, and call logs will allow your firm to expand easily without missing customer calls. 
  • An easy-to-use dashboard and configuration for quick onboarding. 
  • Encryption channels secure reliable communications to secure the clients’ and company data. 

3. Vonage Business 


It is a popular app with over 40 organizational features appropriate for insurance firms. Vonage Business has saved businesses an aggregate of 36% on their phone expenses, particularly in comparison to landlines. It is quick and simple to configure, especially if you are using Vonage VoIP phones for insurance companies. Many VoIP phones are Vonage Business-compatible, so you will not need to acquire a new headset or handset to make the conversion. 


  • Mobile integration is simple and extensive. 
  • Call recording, Vonage service, and virtual receptionist services are among the 40+ basic business offerings. 
  • Offers affordable international call rates. 
  • Extensive third party interface with key business applications such as Amazon Chime, Google Apps, Office365, Microsoft Dynamics, etc. 

4. Grasshopper 


This app is suitable for small insurance companies or sole proprietorships to present a competent and efficient impression. Setup of this app is quick and simple, and you do not have to acquire any hardware to start with Grasshopper, which is another important benefit for insurance businesses on a tight budget. You may also use this with your current landlines and cellphones. 

It only manages inbound calls but not outbound ones. Therefore, auto-attendants, call queuing, and phone transfers can help you cope-up with customer grievances and demands for further details. However, with Grasshopper, you will have to address outbound calls differently. 


  • Low-cost pricing levels with no contract tie-ins, allowing you to grow up. 
  • There is no requirement to spend additional revenue on handsets or headsets. 
  • Vanity or toll-free numbers are available at a reasonable cost. 
  • Customer calls are easy to handle without a big customer care personnel.  

5. Jive 


This app with VoIP phones works with insurance firms of all sizes. However, it is extremely helpful for insurance companies that do not have a large IT staff as a hosted service. Jive is simple to get up and does not require extra equipment other than internet phones. It has an open API and built-in connectors with tools like Salesforce, Outlook, and Maestro, thus allowing you to integrate it with chosen or homegrown apps. 


  • It includes more than 80 features bundled at a single price. 
  • A simple internet interface allows small insurance businesses to operate the program without IT expertise. 
  • Fax integration, limitless auto attendants, conference conversations, and call recording are just a few of the features available. 
  • Thanks to an open API, you can combine all of your favorite business tools. 



Top insurance companies are prioritizing VoIP software. Services using VoIP phones for insurance companies provide several benefits for improved customer care. We have compiled a list of the top 5 must-have applications for insurance companies. However, if you seek the most affordable, dependable, and safe phone systems for your insurance firm, feel free to contact 10digits.